Who We Are
Chartered in 2007, the Nevada Lifespan Respite Care Coalition (NLRCC) is a nonprofit entity led by a Board of Directors and comprised of organizations and individuals from across Nevada’s private and public sectors, university, and state offices in the northern, rural and southern counties of the state.

Our VISION: Adequate Respite Care for All
We serve as a catalyst through our ability to advocate, educate, engage community and convene partners for collective impact around a shared vision and agenda. We strive to bring awareness and acceptance of respite care as a normal experience and valued service, and that the service fits the need and choices of consumers.
This website is part of a Respite Awareness campaign designed to inform and educate both caregivers and the public about the benefits of and resources for utilizing respite care.
Collectively, we seek ways to increase respite workers in our state to adequately meet the need in all communities. We help identify non-traditional sources for respite in target communities, such as rural communities where resources are limited. We encourage consumers to use their voice and have control over their respite choices. We also advocate for a system of respite care that covers the lifespan and specifically fills service gaps for those 18-59 years and veterans.